LION is proud to announce that seniors Geoff Adom and Hayden Asiedu have been selected from approximately 3,000 high school nominees nationwide as members of Babson College Posse 21 and Brandeis University Posse 17! These LION scholars are receiving full-tuition, four-year scholarships valued at over $200,000 from their Posse partner colleges. In the words of Director of College Advising & Post-Secondary Success Sika Bediako, The Posse Foundation chose Geoff and Hayden “because of their hard work and dedication to their academic pursuits, their extracurricular activities, their service to the community, and as leaders in their neighborhood.”
We reached out to Geoff and Hayden to ask them exactly what receiving the Posse scholarship means to them, how they engaged in the selection process, and what advice they have for their peers.
What does receiving the Posse scholarship mean to you?
Geoff Adom: It means $220,000+ that does not come from my parents’ and my pockets. It means having the ability to enjoy higher education and being surrounded by other intelligent, diverse young people who are individuals with extraordinary leadership potential. Having the title of Posse Scholar means I am part of an organization that embodies leadership and is working to create strong leaders in the future.
Hayden Asiedu: To me, the Posse scholarship is the opportunity of a lifetime for extroverts. Though it is not exclusive to one personality type, the scholarship will surround me with people who will help me aim higher and achieve greater.
What did you learn about yourself through the application process?
Geoff: In the last interview of the Posse process I didn’t think I was good enough to be in the room with the other 20+ candidates. I am usually confident and can even be cocky about myself but hearing the different accomplishments in that room from people my age, I felt so small and worthless. But I learned from this process that I am enough. Going back home I was afraid to tell my parents how the interview went because I didn’t believe I got the scholarship. But at 9:58 p.m. when Posse texted me the news, I realized that I am truly enough and never to doubt myself.
Hayden: I learned how much I truly love meeting new people. Making connections is not just an essential action in any professional field, but it’s also a beautiful way we as humans leave our mark on this world.
What are you looking forward to at Brandeis University and Babson College?
Geoff: Babson College students represent more than 80 different countries, I am looking forward to learning about different cultures I have never even heard of. Additionally, Babson is ranked in the Top 10 schools nationwide according to the Wall Street Journal and with being the best school for entrepreneurship 21 times in a row, I know I will receive an education from Babson that no other school can provide. I can’t wait to start my experience at Babson College.
Hayden: At Brandeis, I’m looking forward to the ability to have access to a wide array of opportunities, including carrying out research in state-of-the-art laboratories. The fact that students can conduct and professionally publish research makes my passion for the biological sciences burn brighter.
How did you choose Brandeis/Babson?
Geoff: Walking through Babson’s fountain of flags, I can see myself on my first day at Babson searching for the Ghanaian flag. As I look at the huge globe in the middle of Centennial Park, I will be thinking about all the other amazing countries I can visit in Babson’s study abroad program. I will make so many lifelong and professional friendships with an amazing network of some of the smartest students in business who will help me academically if I’m struggling in my classes.
Hayden: I chose Brandeis because it is a STEM-focused Posse partner school. There is growing interest and passion around the world for STEM as a field, and I saw Brandeis as giving me a leg up in that aspect.
What advice do you have for future seniors applying for the Posse scholarship?
Geoff: Always be yourself. Posse isn’t looking for the next Einstein. They are looking for students who are true to themselves, enjoy being uncomfortable, and are willing to grow from one another and accept and build from challenges. During each step of the process, the difference between you and other students is who is willing not just to step up but also to encourage others to step up as well.
Hayden: Be your true authentic self. Let your passion and interest show and make sure to do your best to remember names. Remembering the names of people you may deem as strangers forces your brain to focus more on listening. Once you’ve listened and internalized, you have a new perspective on things you might not previously have had.
For more than 30 years, The Posse Foundation has identified, trained, and supported young people with extraordinary academic and leadership potential to enter some of the most elite institutions of higher education around the country. In supportive, multicultural groups of 10 students, Posse Scholars receive pre-collegiate training and ongoing mentorship, professional, and career development opportunities. Scholars engage in campus leadership positions, graduate from college at a rate of 90%, and enter graduate school and careers as leaders in their field.