LION Charter School is accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year and is enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year for select grades.

Currently accepting applications for 2025-2026
At LION Charter School, we are committed to developing character and fostering academic excellence in the Hunts Point Community of the South Bronx. We are the largest independent K-12 charter school in New York City and are a tuition-free public school. We are currently accepting applications for students in Grades K-11 for the 2025-2026 school year and enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year for select grades.
We welcome all students and families at LION. Preference in our lottery is given to children of LION staff, siblings of current LION students, siblings of children who are also applying to LION and are selected in the lottery, and students from District 8.

Who We Are
We believe that access to quality education is a right for all and has the power to transform communities.
We are an inclusive community committed to supporting the development of each child’s potential. We value distinct perspectives and abilities and work to foster the growth of all of our students, including students with disabilities and multilingual learners.
We provide a comprehensive academic program and opportunities for students to explore their unique interests through athletics, clubs, after school activities, college prep programs, and community partnerships.
We connect with students as individuals, recognize their complex and multifaceted identities, and support them to discover who they are and how they can make a difference in the world.
We believe that family and school partnership creates the foundation for a strong school community. We strive to provide all community members with the resources, support, and guidance they need to reach their full potential.

of elementary families surveyed said LION meets their child’s learning needs.
of elementary families surveyed said LION helps their child strengthen their social skills and build friendships.
of 8th grade students take 2 high school courses
of Class of 2023 graduates applied to and were accepted to college.
of LION graduates enroll in college within the first two years after graduation, compared to 40% nationally.
LION alumni earn bachelor’s degrees at nearly three times the national average for students of similar demographics.